Debt Resolution

Debt Resolution

Notice of Lawsuit
Debt Resolution

Jul 23, 2024

8 min

What Happens When You Get Served Papers for Debt

Make no mistake - receiving a debt summons isn't something to be ignored or taken lightly. While the unpleasant realities of aggressive debt collectors constantly hounding you for payment feel agonizing enough, this court filing...
Debt Resolution

Jul 23, 2024

8 min

How Often do Debt Collectors Take You to Court?

Anyone struggling with mounting debt most likely cringes at those dreadful calls from collectors, sternly demanding payment on outstanding bills with not-so-subtle threats of "further action." But how often do these collection agencies really make...
Graph on table of debt to asset ratio
Debt Resolution

Jul 23, 2024

8 min

How (and why) to Calculate Your Debt-to-Asset Ratio

What exactly is this ubiquitous debt-to-asset ratio? How do you go about calculating it for your own situation? And perhaps most importantly, why should you even care about keeping tabs on it? Let's dive in...
Too much debt?
Debt Resolution

Jul 22, 2024

8 min

How Much Credit Card Debt is Too Much?

What point does owing on those little rectangles of plastic become a red flag that you've taken on too much high-interest credit card debt? Is there even such a thing as having an excessive or...
Household Budget Worksheet
Debt Resolution

Jul 17, 2024

8 min

What is the Debt Snowball Method?

Being trapped under a towering mountain of debt is an anxiety-inducing, suffocating experience. You've got credit cards, student loans, auto loans, and other pestering bills digging into your paycheck each month. No matter how much...
Closed up of sand falling in sandglass on money
Debt Resolution

Jul 15, 2024

8 min

What to do if Debt is Past the Statute of Limitations 

Dealing with overdue bills and debt weighing you down? Understanding the statute of limitations can help. This time-limited period limits creditors from chasing you for unpaid debts. After this, the debt is considered "time-barred," but...
Man stopping domino blocks from falling
Debt Resolution

Jul 15, 2024

8 min

How to Dispute Debt Collection (and Win)

Are you tired of debt collectors harassing you for a debt you don't even owe? Take control of the situation with these powerful tips on how to dispute debt collection and WIN. Learn how to...
CDO sign collateralised debt obligations on a wooden desk
Debt Resolution

Jul 15, 2024

8 min

What is a Collateralized Debt Obligation? 

At their core, CDOs are a way to take pools of debt and repackage that debt into new securities that can then be sold to investors. It's a bit like a full financial kitchen taking...
Couple paying off $20,000 in Credit Card Debt
Debt Resolution

Jul 12, 2024

7 min

How to Pay Off $20,000 in Credit Card Debt

While $20,000 in credit card debt may feel like a hopeless, soul-crushing scenario, make no mistake - that balance is very assailable if you deploy discipline, lifestyle austerity, and one of several proven strategies to...
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Paperwork
Debt Resolution

Jul 12, 2024

8 min

What Happens to Debt When You File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

So exactly what happens to all those looming bills, interest charges, and creditor headaches once you pull the Chapter 13 ripcord? While it's not a full "get out of debt free" card, this branch of...
Woman enrolling in debt relief program
Debt Resolution

Jul 12, 2024

8 min

How do Debt Relief Programs Work?

Before signing up for any debt relief program, it's crucial you fully understand exactly what you're getting into and weighing those pros and cons carefully. Because while potentially your best option to restore cash flow,...
Man on phone negotiating with creditors
Debt Resolution

Jul 12, 2024

8 min

How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt Settlement on Your Own

Could you attempt to negotiate your own credit card debt settlement directly with lenders and collectors? While admittedly more challenging than outsourcing negotiations, a self-directed credit card debt settlement approach is absolutely an option worth...