Alexander Shockley

Picture of Alexander Shockley

Alexander Shockley

Even Financial

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Step 1 of 14 - loanType

Why do you need a loan?

Piggy bank wrapped in bubble wrap, protecting your money
Debt Resolution

Aug 27, 2024

9 min

What is Debt Protection?

This article will explore what debt protection is, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and how consumers can effectively leverage it to safeguard their financial well-being....
Woman sitting on concrete curb looking depressed
Debt Resolution

Aug 27, 2024

9 min

Can Debts Be Written Off Due to Mental Illness?

This article will explore this complex issue, examining the legal, financial, and ethical considerations involved for anyone struggling with their financial and mental health simultaneously....
man with phone and credit card
Debt Resolution

March 20, 2024

8 min

Can I Still Use My Credit Card after Debt Consolidation?

A woman sits on a couch holding a piece of paper and looking confused
Debt Resolution

March 15, 2024

11 min

A Guide to Debt Re-Aging

Judge Dismissing Debt Lawsuit
Debt Resolution

November 6, 2023

8 min

How to Get a Debt Lawsuit Dismissed

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