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How Pre-Settlement Funding Can Speed Up Legal Decisions


JG Wentworth

October 2, 2024

7 min

How Pre-Settlement Funding Can Speed Up Legal Decisions

Legal battles can be a lengthy and costly ordeal. Whether you’re involved in a personal injury lawsuit, employment discrimination case, or another type of civil litigation, the path to a settlement or trial can stretch over months or even years. During this time, plaintiffs may face immense financial pressures, such as covering medical bills, paying rent, or managing daily expenses, all while being unable to work due to injury or stress.

This is where pre-settlement funding comes into play, offering plaintiffs a financial lifeline. But can pre-settlement funding actually speed up legal decisions? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how this form of financial assistance works, its impact on legal proceedings, and whether it can expedite the journey toward a fair settlement.

Understanding Pre-Settlement Funding

Pre-settlement funding, also known as legal funding or lawsuit loans, is a non-recourse cash advance provided to plaintiffs before their case is resolved. Unlike traditional loans, this funding is repaid only if the plaintiff wins or settles their case. If the plaintiff loses the case, they owe nothing.

The funds are typically used to cover essential living expenses, medical costs, or other urgent financial needs that arise during the legal process. The amount of funding a plaintiff can receive is usually based on the estimated value of their case, as determined by the funding company after evaluating the strength of the claim.

How Pre-Settlement Funding Helps Plaintiffs

Before diving into whether pre-settlement funding can speed up legal decisions, it’s essential to understand the critical role it plays in alleviating financial burdens for plaintiffs:

  • Financial Relief During Long Legal Battles: Lawsuits often drag on due to procedural delays, negotiations, or court scheduling issues. Plaintiffs who are injured or otherwise unable to work may find themselves in dire financial straits. Pre-settlement funding offers much-needed cash to cover living expenses, reducing the pressure to settle prematurely just to stay afloat.
  • Enables Fair Settlements: Without the strain of mounting bills, plaintiffs can afford to wait for a fair settlement. Defense teams often employ a strategy of delay, knowing that financially strapped plaintiffs may be willing to accept lower settlement offers. Pre-settlement funding can neutralize this tactic, giving plaintiffs the ability to hold out for the compensation they truly deserve.

Can Pre-Settlement Funding Speed Up Legal Decisions?

Now that we understand how pre-settlement funding works and why it’s valuable to plaintiffs, let’s address the central question: Can pre-settlement funding speed up legal decisions?

The short answer is: indirectly, yes. While pre-settlement funding doesn’t change the timeline of court proceedings or force defense teams to act faster, it does influence several factors that can lead to a quicker resolution. Let’s break these down:

1. Reduces Plaintiff’s Pressure to Settle Early

One of the most significant ways pre-settlement funding can expedite a legal decision is by empowering the plaintiff to resist lowball offers. Without the immediate financial pressure to settle early, plaintiffs are less likely to cave under economic strain and accept subpar settlement amounts just to cover their day-to-day expenses.

By having the financial flexibility to continue the legal process without compromise, plaintiffs are more likely to see their case through to a fair and reasonable resolution. While this might seem like it would prolong the legal process, it often has the opposite effect. Defense attorneys are aware that plaintiffs who are financially supported are less likely to accept quick, low settlements. As a result, they may make more reasonable offers sooner to avoid drawn-out negotiations.

2. Allows Time for Stronger Case Building

When plaintiffs have financial stability, they can afford to let their attorneys conduct more thorough investigations, gather evidence, and seek out expert witnesses without rushing to wrap up the case. A well-prepared case puts pressure on the defense to consider an early settlement, knowing the plaintiff’s side is solid. This preparation time, which pre-settlement funding can help provide, often encourages the defense to settle sooner rather than risk a larger loss at trial.

3. Improves Negotiating Power

Pre-settlement funding shifts the balance of power in settlement negotiations. Without the desperation for immediate cash, plaintiffs can negotiate from a position of strength. A defendant who sees that the plaintiff is financially stable may be less inclined to drag out the legal process. When the defense knows they’re dealing with a plaintiff who can hold out, they’re more likely to make a serious settlement offer earlier in the proceedings.

This leverage can significantly shorten the negotiation process, leading to a faster resolution.

4. Removes the Stress Factor from Decision Making

Financial stress can cloud judgment. A plaintiff under financial duress may make decisions based on immediate needs rather than long-term outcomes. Pre-settlement funding alleviates this pressure, allowing plaintiffs to think clearly and make strategic legal decisions. With clearer thinking and reduced anxiety, plaintiffs are more likely to follow sound legal advice and make decisions that move the case forward more efficiently.

Get Cash Before Your Lawsuit is Settled

Life doesn’t wait for your settlement, you shouldn’t either.

Get Cash Before Your Case Is Settled

The Drawbacks of Pre-Settlement Funding

While pre-settlement funding can offer numerous advantages, it’s important to be aware of its potential drawbacks:

  • Not a Guarantee of Success: Pre-settlement funding doesn’t guarantee that a case will be resolved more quickly. While it provides financial stability, the legal process itself may still move at a slow pace due to factors outside the plaintiff’s control, such as court backlogs or complex legal proceedings.
  • Limited to Certain Cases: Not all cases are eligible for pre-settlement funding. Funding companies tend to focus on cases with strong potential for winning or settling. This means that plaintiffs with weaker claims may not qualify for assistance, regardless of their financial need.

Key Considerations Before Seeking Pre-Settlement Funding

If you’re considering pre-settlement funding, there are several key factors to keep in mind:

  • Evaluate the Strength of Your Case: Pre-settlement funding is only a good option if your case has a high likelihood of success. Discuss the merits of your case with your attorney before seeking funding.
  • Understand the Costs: Make sure you understand the fees, interest rates, and repayment terms associated with pre-settlement funding. Compare offers from multiple funding companies to find the most favorable terms.
  • Work with a Reputable Funding Company: Not all funding companies are created equal. It’s essential to research the reputation and reliability of the company you’re considering. Look for companies that are transparent about their terms and have a track record of working with plaintiffs ethically.


Pre-settlement funding can be a game-changer for plaintiffs involved in lengthy legal battles. By providing financial relief, it allows plaintiffs to hold out for fair settlements, removes the pressure to settle early, and improves negotiating power. While it won’t directly speed up court procedures or force the defense to act faster, it can lead to quicker resolutions by enabling plaintiffs to make informed, strategic decisions without the distraction of financial stress.

However, it’s essential to approach pre-settlement funding with caution, understanding the costs and working with a reputable provider. When used wisely, pre-settlement funding can not only provide financial peace of mind but also contribute to a faster and more favorable legal outcome.

JG Wentworth does not provide pre-settlement funding services. All leads are brokered to unaffiliated third party providers by Peachtree Funding Northeast, LLC.

This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only. Such information or materials do not constitute and are not intended to provide legal, accounting, or tax advice and should not be relied on in that respect. We suggest that You consult an attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor to answer any financial or legal questions.

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